we had a great time playing bowling tonight...
i am quite sad that alan cant join tonight...
(but nvm tomoro night we go race car... wakakaka xD)
daddy still score the highest as usual
im thrid or maybe fourth and sometimes last
these were the results of mine:
round 1- 67(cannot blame me cause still warming up ma... this round i get last)
round 2- 97(hehe i say le ma... im pro de xp this round i get third i think)
round 3(last round)-74(also cannot blame me boh cause i tired le ma...haha)
what's funny was:
(while mummy was playing)
daddy:"mummy strike!"
(after a second)
daddy:"mummy spare!"
(and at last)
daddy:"mummy spilt!"
triple 's'...haha
well... these are some pictures that i took when everybody was playing:
daddy was the champion!(do the photo looks like he didn't have a pair of hands???)
woohoo... strike!
thats didi... playing bowling 'bo lang bo zhua'de...
didi again...
zhiyong(cousin)playing.. he got no.2
this is mummy playing in the thrid round
and at last.......
ME playing!!! but i didn't score well because i was very nervous when SOMEBODY was taking picture behind meTIAN'S BALL GO INTO THE DRAIN!!!
Tee-hee! thats me!^^