
Tag 2

I've been tagged by Angeline. Long long time ago but until now then i see i've been tagged.

The rules and regulations:

1. Each player of this tag starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

ok, here it goes.

1.I usually laugh until cannot stop.

2.I don't eat cheese. It's very... yucks!

3.I ever have a caterpillar pet.

4.Same as Angeline, I love to talk. Lydia usually say me "38".

5.I wake up at 9.00 o'clock today.(Is it weird???)

6.I like to watch Keroro. Thats not weird! Many people like to watch too!

7.I have two big rabbit teeth. Yaya, it's ugly i know....

8.I wear pyjamas everyday during holidays. ( I mean from morning to night.)

9.I like to eat curry but I don't know how to eat chilli.

10.Almost finish this!

11.I like to make people laugh~

12.I like to play maple but I am quite blur of that.

13.I seldom wear skirt. Ya, I like jeans more than skirt.

14.I spend about 1 and half hour to finish this.

15.Erm... erm.... I get a Best Subject in school!

Whoo~~~! Lastly I finish this!

I'll tag... Why must 10 people!!! I have no idea...


ok, I copy from Angeline.

I'll tag,

  1. Rene
  2. Samantha Aw
  3. Samantha Lai
  4. Andrew
  5. Esther
  6. Shannon
  7. Alicia
  8. Angeline
  9. Duke
  10. Elyssa

3 条评论:

  1. -,- how can you tag people you dont know?

  2. cause my friend didnt play blog ma... so... cannot find 10 people...so just copy yours... xp

  3. ermmmmm......
    what I can say is xin tian weir weir de
